Ring Protect Pro protecting a location's security system with 24/7 Professional Monitoring.

How To Replace Your Ring Alarm Base Station

Get your Ring of Security back online by replacing your Ring Alarm Base Station with a new device sent to you by Ring Customer Support when something's gone amiss.

Step 1 — Remove the old Base Station from your account.

If your current Base Station is already offline or removed from your Ring account, skip this step and continue to “Set up the new Base Station”.

To remove your existing Base Station:

  1. Open the Ring app.
  2. Tap the
    menu (☰)
  3. Tap
  4. Select the
    Base Station
    you would like to remove.
  5. Tap the
    Device Settings
  6. Select
    Advanced Options
  7. Select
    Unregister system
  8. Tap
    to remove this Base Station.

Step 2 — Set up the new Base Station.

Be sure to have your wifi password, and turn on Bluetooth on your phone before you begin.

  1. Open the Ring app.
  2. Tap
    Set Up a Device
  3. Tap
  4. Select the Base Station model you would like to setup.
  5. Tap
  6. Follow the in-app instructions to complete setup.
  7. When prompted, press the PAIRING button on the rear of your Base Station.

Once your Base Station connects to the internet, it may take a few minutes to complete any software updates. When you see a solid blue LED ring on the Base Station, continue to the next step.

Get more information on setting up your Ring Alarm Base Station by reviewing the user manual.

Step 3 — Factory reset each device.

Before you start to factory reset and add your Ring devices, make sure each one is near your new Base Station.

Ring Alarm (2nd Generation):

Contact Sensor (2nd gen)

  1. Remove the cover from the device.
  2. Press and hold the pinhole reset button using a paperclip or the included pinhole tool. The LED light will flash green.
  3. 3. Continue holding down the pinhole reset button until the LED light turns red, then put the back cover back on the device.

Motion Detector (2nd gen)

  1. Remove the Motion Detector back cover. Keep the batteries in the device.
  2. Use the pinhole tool or a paper clip to press and hold the reset button (on the back of the device) until you see the LED on the front turn red, about 10 seconds.
  3. The LED on the front of the sensor should begin blinking. Hold the button down until the LED turns red.

Keypad (2nd gen)

To factory reset your Keypad, press and hold the pinhole reset button in the back of the Keypad for 10 seconds, until it flashes red.

Range Extender (2nd gen)

  1. Unplug the Range Extender.
  2. Press and hold the button on the pinhole reset device until the LED light on the front blinks red. Remove the pinhole tool.
  3. When the Range Extender blinks green, it will be ready to add again.

Ring Alarm (1st Generation):

Contact Sensor (1st gen)

  1. Remove the cover from the device, and remove the battery. 
  2. Press and hold the tamper button (found near the antenna).
  3. Insert the battery while holding the tamper button. The LED light will flash. Hold the button until the LED light stops flashing, OR until you see a solid LED light.
  4. Put the cover back on the device.

Motion Detector (1st gen)

  1. Ensure the battery is inserted and the cover is completely closed.
  2. Press and hold the reset button under the pinhole found on the back of the device. A paperclip works well.
  3. The LED on the front of the sensor should begin blinking. Hold the button down until the LED stops blinking.

Keypad (1st gen)

  1. With the Keypad plugged in, press and hold the number "5" button. 
  2. Press the pinhole reset button on the back of the Keypad. A paperclip works well. Do not release the "5" button.
  3. The Keypad will light up the ring briefly, then the network icon at the top left of the keypad will begin to flash. 
  4. When the network icon stops flashing, release the "5" button.

Range Extender (1st gen)

  1. Plug in the Range Extender.
  2. Press and hold the button on the right hand side of the device. The LED on the device will blink rapidly. 
  3. When the LED begins to blink slowly, release the button.

Step 4 — Add each security device to your replacement Base Station.

To get each of your security devices online using your replacement Ring Alarm Base Station, repeat these steps for each security device:

  1. Open the Ring app.
  2. Tap to open the
    menu (☰)
  3. Tap
    Set up a Device.
  4. Tap
  5. Select the type of device you want to add.
  6. Follow the in-app setup to complete installation.

Keep in mind you’ll need to scan the QR code for each device, name it, and assign it to an area within your home. After you complete the setup, you can customize any of your preferred audio and LED settings for your security devices.

Last updated 11 months ago