An assortment of Ring Smart Lighting products lighting up a homeowner's front yard at night.

Choosing the Best Power Source for your Ring Smart Lighting Device

Ring offers hardwired, battery, and solar versions of Smart Lighting Devices. How do I know which one is best for me?

Regardless of which variety of Smart Lighting Device you choose for your home, we're sure you'll be pleased with the result. That being said, hardwired, battery, and solar devices all have their place in the home, but certain power types are better suited for some applications over others.

The remainder of this article will help you decide which power source best fits your lighting needs. 

Hardwired Devices

Hardwired devices are the brightest options in the Ring Smart Lighting line-up. Hardwired devices tend to work best in high traffic locations and large areas. These devices offer additional Ring app features when connected through a Ring Smart Lighting Bridge such as "infinite on" and the Light Schedules feature that let you schedule light for hours at a time at any brightness setting. Hardwired devices tend to work best for on-the-house installations.   

Click here for more information on Light Scheduling.

Battery Devices

Battery devices are great for locations further from the home where line voltage may not be available or practical. They're also great for indoor locations where solar or hardwired devices are not practical. Battery devices offer simple, effective solutions to add light to dark areas, offering increased safety and security. One drawback of battery devices, however, is that their auto shut off time is limited.

Solar Devices

Solar devices are best for sunny locations or if you're looking for a rechargeable option. Solar devices offer flexibility for installation away from the home and in areas without line power. They also have brighter lights and more Ring app options than battery-powered devices. They do, however, require a direct, unobstructed view of the sun and performance can be subject to weather conditions. Ring app options include scheduled Dusk to Dawn mode when the devices are connected through the Ring Smart Lighting Bridge. 

Click here for more information on your Smart Solar Lights and weather conditions.

For general information on Ring Smart Lighting, click here.

Last updated 7 months ago